Purpose: I have found it difficult to find unlicensed exercise pictures of certain exercises. One of the goals of this blog is to share exercise pictures with anyone that would like to use them. Most pictures are in jpeg format so they can be inserted into documents that you create. Below are pictures of a hard to find exercise - The Hip Airplane. This exercise is ideal for training balance, a strong foot, posterior chain muscles and when you drop and rise from the open to shut position the hip external rotators (or is the piriformis now an internal rotator because of the hip flexion - I do not know), glut max/min/med.

All the best,
Attached is a basic exercise protocol as part of a large physiotherapy regime I might use for someone with some lower extremity dysfunction. Many of these exercises would be used for non specific knee pain (PFPS, ITB syndrome). The nordic hamstring exercise could be skipped but should certainly be used for anyone with posterior chain weakness/dysfunction. I use that ol’ nebulous word ‘dysfunction’ when something is wrong (e.g. pain) but I’m not willing to commit to some BS therapist jargon about the cause of the problem. You could put in the same room 5 great therapists (physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, sport med docs) who could all get someone better but they would each explain the problem completely different and often contradict each other. So, I use the general word dysfunction. (more…)
Attached is a simple one page exercise sheet to train the lower/mid trapezius (scapular retraction) and the serratus anterior. The assumption is that these exercises, along with other training and physiotherapy (ART etc), will position the shoulder blade in a better position. Ideally, avoiding forward tilt and a position that may be related to impingement.
Below is the pdf file:
thebodymechanic shoulder retraction basic
Audience: Patients
Format: Patient Handouts
Topic: Trunk, hip and knee motor control exercises to improve control of knee position
This post is a handout that I give to patients. As with all exercises they should be done under some supervision (physiotherapist, personal trainer, chiropractor) and always with a health professionals guidance. In no way are these exercises stand alone. They should be tailored to each patient’s needs and progressed or modified accordingly.
Greg (more…)